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Meet Our Team!


Established in 2000, Sports Turf Specialties, Inc. has led the industry in athletic field construction and maintenance in the Northeast. Specializing in Design and Build, renovation and maintenance, our team provides superior natural grass playing surfaces at all levels of play. 

Dennis Brolin
Email Dennis

From his expertise in maintaining the NFL complex for the New England Patriots for 12 years to his professionalism in establishing safe and playable athletic surfaces, Dennis Brolin has been managing sports turf for more than 2 decades. A pioneer in the Green Industry, Dennis possesses the knowledge and resources required to set the standard for high quality natural grass athletic fields in all regions of the country. Dennis has presented on the regional and national level on proper Natural Grass Athletic Field Construction, Infiltration Drainage Systems, and Field Management. Dennis is a member of the Sports Turf Managers Association, New England Sports Turf Managers Association, and a Certified DuraEdge Contractor. 

Kevin McInerney
Construction Project Manager
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Known for his attention to detail and diligent work ethic, Kevin McInerney has managed the Construction Division for Sports Turf Specialties for the past 10 years. Specializing in field construction and renovation, Kevin has managed projects from professional and collegiate athletic facilities to private schools and municipalities. Kevin holds a AS in Landscape Contracting from the Stockbridge School of Agriculture and has worked in the Green Industry for over 25 years. 

Ben Leach
Turfgrass Maintenance/
Snow Manager
Email Ben
Adam Silva
Project Superintendent/
Field Design
Email Adam

From new turfgrass establishment to implementing custom maintenance programs, Ben Leach's professional approach to sports turf management will keep your fields safe and playable every time the team hits the field. Ben believes in integrating new technology and products into your maintenance program and is recognized for being on the cutting edge of turfgrass management. Ben is also responsible for the STS Athletic Field Snow Removal Division, specializing in natural grass and synthetic surface snow removal. Ben holds a Certification in Turfgrass Management from the University of Massachusetts and is a Certified Pesticide Applicator. 

Specializing in athletic field design and engineering, Adam Silva plays a pivotal role in managing and executing new field construction for Sports Turf Specialties. With more than 10 years in the construction industry, supervising new projects as well as his proficiency in land surveying, Adam is acknowledged for his expertise in field design/engineering utilizing computer aided design technology, field mapping and surveying, and project management.


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